Neoclassical Acupuncture
Neoclassical Acupuncture is a revolutionary, palpatory style of acupuncture that provides immediate feedback with each needle placed. What has made it one of the fastest-growing styles in Europe and Mexico is its primary efficacy with very few needles, with no need for ‘recipes’ or ‘point prescriptions.’ Diagnosis and treatment can involve up to 5 different levels: Element, Obstacle, Organ, and Meridian. When treated on the Elemental level, a domino effect takes place which often clears all levels immediately, instantly taking away symptoms with them. The clearing of each of these levels can be immediately verified via palpation and feedback from the patient.
Experience near complete alleviation of symptoms, with just one needle, in at least 90% of cases, with no need to know symptoms beforehand. This is result-oriented acupuncture at its highest level.
The Neoclassical system diagnoses and treats on the deepest level. The symptoms consistently disappear as a consequence.
One of the keys to the system is the incorporation of the sixth element (often referred to as Ministerial Fire and previously considered as a branch of Fire) which brings into play a more ancient motor of elemental interaction, allowing results that often seem miraculous.
-Dr. Slate Burris